The story revolves around Akoko. The buck stops with women in the fight against oppressive testosterone. It is upon women to tap into their innermost strength to transform the world it what they imagined. Akoko, being on the losing end in a male-dominated family fought her way to earn her father’s love. She had to put her feet on the ground to make the world recognize her. Aloo, the family spokesman said that Akoko’s hard work had been incorporated into a saying that women sending their children on errands would mention her. She did not show any female shyness when she was introduced to her husband to be. With her head held high, Akoko stirred into Owuor Kembo a feeling that had not earned vocabulary among the Luo - love. Akoko did not subject the chief to monogamy. She was okay with him marrying as many women as her wealth could manage. It was the chief’s decision, despite growing outcry, to remain faithful to his wife. We are not told of any arm-twisting but sure as the sun ris...
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