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Long time ago, women used to rule the Agikuyu land. They were very ruthless that they used to sit on the men’s backs whenever they held their frequent meetings. Men were their slaves and workers. These women so ruled the land, they loved the giraffes, and in fact, the antelope was their goat. They were categorical in administration and strict in the rule of law. They spared no one and ensured that the law had been obeyed. They made the laws and broke them. They were the Kingesses, I mean the queens of the Agikuyu land.
Men were utterly disoriented by this kind of leadership. They secretly conspired to take up leadership or well put oust women out of power. Wiser than what is below the belt makes them, FOOLs. Our Agikuyu men decided to plant a seed of life women. And all the women in the land were with child, during labour the men confiscated  power from the women. And men rule began.
For years now men have been ruling the land of the Agikuyu and the lands beyond. They have been killing the woman’s pet as they execute their rule. As is the custom, every ritual has to be blessed with a goat and beer. They have been finding reason to celebrate since she went out of power. For instance, a man could come home drunk, sit in his favorite spot, being dark; he will call a daughter in law to light the room. When she is rushing to serve the master of the house, our beloved old wisdom will spread his legs to the chagrin of the woman coming, skipping on his feet will be a taboo requiring the bloodshed of a goat. Call it cleansing or whatever it may.
Women have been watching all this keenly in solemn silence. He has been creating rules which demean women and only satisfy his will. He will never stop to ponder on the well being of her. While she is out their heavy with child toiling under the boiling sun, he will be out there at beer parties and taboo breaking ceremonies enjoying the juicy ribs.  
Women have been taking it all. Now there is a revolution. It began in Nyeri. Several women, I hear, have joined the revolution. Men have nowhere to run to. With their tails well tucked, they have formed an organization to salvage them from the attacking feminibrutae (female brutality). Maendeleo ya Wanaume is the organization. When you see men teeming up, know that the lion has just been defeated in the taming of the pride. Sweet victory for women, I would say.
An African man is a bull even without horns. Seeing them gnaw teeth is just but preposterous! In the 21stC, men now have become too soft. They cannot stamp their authority on as the men of before. They wait for the camera’s to roll before them, “manaomba sirikali itusaidie.”
As long as this cold and brutal war goes on it remains to be seen that women are here to reclaim their rightful position. Therefore, it would not be a surprise to me if Uhuru Kenyatta stood up on a National television and endorsed Martha Karua as the candidate for the top job. It would not come as surprise to me when I see the president calling for solidarity behind Esther Murugi and Kalonzo singing in the name of Charity Ngilu. What is there is that women are just reclaiming their position. If you do not believe me  ask the Agikuyu.


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