Inheritance is a play by Kenyan playwright David Mulwa. Set in the former kingdom of Kutula-now a republic, the play looks at post-independence trials wrought by greedy leaders and cunning foreign investors. This play, derides countries like Kenya which are besieged by greedy leaders and unwitting citizens. Since independence, Kenya and many African countries found themselves beleaguered by a lot of demands. As Kenyan first president said, Kenya was facing three major setbacks: ignorance, poverty and disease. Being a pioneer leader in Kenya, Kenyatta was tasked to fight the three forces. In order to do this, he needed help. Help came easily in the form of foreign aid and expat community to train the young turks in the country on how to make the country socio-economically progressive. Instead of the promised nirvana, African development turned into economic exploitation by the west and foreign aid was milked into foreign banks as corruption became the system of ...
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