After independence, many countries that were granted independence found themselves drawn towards their former colonial masters. Such countries were drawn by incentives such as the Commonwealth, foreign aid and the promise of assistance in economic development.
Those countries or leaders who refused such arrangements were either assassinated or removed from power. In this respect, the colonialists found themselves coming back as expatriates and financiers for development.
In Kutula, the king who had vision for his people is assassinated. In his place, the colonial players put his greedy son as the new leader democratically elected. In this way, the former powers made leadership decisions for the people of Kutula even though the people's favourite was princess Sangoi. Although the power arrangement has changed from kingdom to a democracy. Lacuna Kasoo seem to retain the pre-colonial title of king. Lacuna Kasoo is controlled by two international financiers: Robert Rollerstone and Daniel Goldstein. Goldstein is as old as Lacuna but Robert is way younger.
On his part, Daniel plays the good cop. He appeases Lacuna while defiantly asking for more concessions from the country. On his part, Lacuna needs more money to run the country. The colonialists knew how greedy Lacuna was, and they planned to use Lacuna's greed to profit from Kutula's Silver mines and rich agriculture lands.
Although the country has rich mineral resources and people are working tirelessly in the mines, the country can't sustainably pay for the loans. Goldstein still demands for more. Indeed, Lacuna's greed may have sent the mines to bankruptcy. However, if that was the case, then Goldstein would have frozen aid long ago before things got out of hand. They continued supporting Lacuna because they benefited from the mines and also from the loans they extended to the state.
Robert, on the other hand, is the bad cop. Using business voice, he threatens Lacuna to pay up the building loan instalments as had been agreed upon. He goes even further to claim that he could access Lacuna's Foreign accounts and use the money to repay for the loans.
The foreigners show Lacuna that he could be running a sovereign nation but without money, he was just useless and dependent on their mercy.
Great article