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Cruising in and around Kenya, popping your nose where they do not belong, you will realse that we indeed are RISKTAKERS! Going with the events of the early September where we lost over hundred lives you could notably nod your head to the heights of risk we climb.
Drawing petroleum Gas from the A river will require some wit and concentration! And smoking! We are indeed risk takers! Let’s start with the most recent, Sinai a densely populated slum in the city of Nairobi, Sprawling with masses of lives bustling in the early morning drizzle, with eyes so keen to notice the unseen! Then with a glaring happiness, DUSH!! Someone notices that apart from water, there is some more, petrol! The gods must be crazy!
BIG RISK!! Someone lights a cigarette or is it the numerous bonfires that grace our slums? Another risk! Hundreds die and some more are left injured. Just for taking risk

Just some kilometers ahead you meet MUKURU slums. The slum has a thriving human resource. Ranging from electrician, plumbers, mechanics and just call them, you will get them. Talking of electricians, the slum has its own meshwork of power lines, locally connected! Just a risk! Big one.,i18n%3Dtrue&cp=8&gs_id=p&xhr=t&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1024&bih=561&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=mukuru+slums&fb=1&gl=ke&hq=mukuru+slums&hnear=0x182f1172d84d49a7:0xf7cf0254b297924c,Nairobi&cid=6337202960977829343

Getting high is a feel good feeling! Revelers will walk to joints and any place just to get this feeling! The bitter the better. The more illicit it goes the sweeter it will be. Some have lost eyesight and yet others lost their lives. It is just in the name of daring the risk.
Buildings collapse day in day out. It has become the order of the day. Not shocking feature to gloss about for it has lost the saying of the ‘man bit the dog’ and gained the status, ‘dog bit man’. But Kenyans gracefully soldier on they take risk of inhabiting this death traps and even constructing them.  You learn it the hard way.,

Driving on Kenyan roads is another risk, you drive oblivious to where you are going. The danger is imminent if your journey has to be taken during the night for there are no road signs!! You get to a bump without your knowledge. Don’t worry, you are supposed to know.

Therefore all those disasters were risks. The risks we take. Do take a risk.


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