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The Burden of a Typical Kenyan Teacher

The Kenya Certificate Secondary Education results are out, celebrations renting the air, mockery and hate breathing hard on some individuals’ heads. Morning comes, evening drowning the sunny day. He, Kenyan teacher toils each and every hour. Kenya Certificate of Primary Education results were also out and we had the norm, harassed a little by the unannounced deaths of a few young Kenyans dissatisfied by the life of books, I bet.
Celebration or no celebrations I do not care. At stake lies the life of a teacher. This fundamental human being rises up with the birds and sometimes sleeps late after everyone. This species is under siege, performance its nightmare. Society not only needs education it also yearns for performance and with the media turned paparazzi; one could tell the heat burning the teachers’ bottoms.
A teacher is just simply one who is given the guidelines to help a child to know. Performance is vested on the kids’ willingness to follow instructions as dictated. We should therefore not be on the teachers necks. Am not saying that teachers are not to blame when students fail to perform, them to have a share of the cake.
One evident thing about everything is that, teachers are never mentioned when a student pass an examination. They outcry will only suffice when the poor child fails to perform. Everybody will make mountain out of that mole hill. There will be those baying for the poor head teachers blood and even others will go ahead and do it! Not that I have heard of that!
Teachers make a society shine, yeah, they can even gloom one. One thing that we have to understand is, a school is like a ship, where everybody has to help navigate it, an educationist being a captain. When the society now bestows every role to mwalimu one wonders what the matter really is.
That now is the issue with public schools! They have become empty shells with so much to be done on less input. The government with promises, community with pledges, students, alas!
Remember that corporal punishment is no longer. There now lies the morals at stake!
As we celebrate or mock the teacher let us ask ourselves whether we have input enough for that ever evasive input.
What Can A Parent Do?
Parents, it is now a high time we should wake up and take up our parental role. One fo the most significant things that must be done is; knowing who our children really are. It is wonderful to realize that there are parents out there who do not really comprehend the abilities and capabilities of their children!             
It is therefore imperative to get to know how valuable your child is. By knowing this, the parent shall help them in the choosing their careers and focusing on their goals.

Secondly, a parent must be the children’s first mentor. He or she must inspire the child. Show them and let them learn from them, the value of being true to themselves, respecting and acknowledging elders. Whatever a parent says, or does is of significance to the child and so, be careful of what you say.
Lastly, do not impose on the child unless it is necessary to do so. Let the young ones have some air to breath. They definitely grow into a young generation full of discipline and responsibility. Life is not a closet but rather an open space full of confusion and delusion.


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