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When things go wrong on the Kenyan football front, everyone is on the forefront, throwing insults at the failed management. I wish I was among those who manage the game in the country. There is every reason I should be the one, belching fire on  Kenyan fans, where are they?
Back in time, Nicholas Musonye, the CECAFA General Secretary was in a fit of rage over the poor fan attendance over the Cecafa event which had been hosted by Kenya. The Kenya Premier league is about a month old. Clubs have tried the much they can to purchase players, a culture new to Kenya. The organizers, who are well known to exchanging bitter words or better put, washing their dirty linen in the public, have shaved off that part.
We now have a better football. We sign even professional players from other countries and are optimistic to a better football. All in all, these attempts are just one sided, while stakeholders fight to rescue this industry, the fans are either an uninterested lot or have directed their attention elsewhere.
It is therefore imperative that Kenyans should by far start supporting these young and upcoming teams. We should put in an effort in one spirit to support the teams as they grow. Football is an industry and it should be treated as so. The industry has to have those who buy the products. As we look up to the growth of the Kenyan football, we should also know that we as the fans have a role to play. Our role is much bigger than that of even the stake holders.
We therefore need a better national team; we got to work for it. History has shown that those teams which have had local support and relied on local players have a better and well co-ordinated football than those who rely on the international players. Egypt has so far defended the Africa Cup of Nations and yet she does not have players who ply their trade on the international front. Zambia shocked many leaving the bookmakers with what to contemplate when she beat Ghana and later on carried Africa’s most coveted trophy.


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