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Vihiga County is probably home to the laziest and empty headed individuals who have lost sense of vision and foresight. It houses petty hecklers and rampant gossipers who spend better days gossiping and talking and not doing anything constructive. The county houses perfectionist by lip-service and professionals by that hearty rebuke and counter remark. In short, Vihiga is home to the contractors of castles in the air.
Out of the 180,112 pupils who join primary school, only 36, 413 get to high school. That’s only 20% of the total primary enrolment! Finally, 12.7% get to finish their secondary education. That is totally incredulous! It shows a total ramshackle in the literary world, it clearly inundates a society that has totally forgotten all about the fundamentals of education and above all does not appreciate the education system at all! A county that has more teachers than any other specialist espouses a county that drinks water and serves wine. What is the essence of producing teachers when there is no one to be taught? The lack of interest in education has failed to tether youth who resort to illicit brew, drug abuse, early pregnancy, early marriages, broken marriages, surge in population, poor family planning and management, livestock and crop theft and rampant muggings and robbery with violence which are rampant in this region. Above all this has contributed to high poverty levels a precursor to overdependence on leaders  who of course, instead of condemning and addressing such issues, have from time immemorial tried to promise heroism.
The problem that stem from poor education system can never be solved by the leaders that be, but by concerted efforts of the community. This carnage can only be put to a stop if the residents of this county wake up from there deep slumber. There is no way Mudavadi son of Mudamba will offer a solution to this problems when, if, he becomes a president reason being, he will have a state to look after. If he failed to do it while an MP, will he do it when he has a state ahead of him?
Vihiga lies on goldmine which the residents have refused to harness. The sufficient amount of rains received in this region could be that tip of the iceberg of bigger things to come. Could be a stepping stone towards growth but no one seems to notice. We have so many ideologues in this county who have only put their minds to work and have their own hands off in tackling issues. They talk about how something is to be done and negotiate even the tiniest details yet when it comes to implementation; the project grows cold. That is the cripple in this county.
Agriculture was and still is the backbone of the most advanced economies in the world. Africa as much as she struggles to get to the top of everything, using the modern and advanced technology, she should understand that, devoid improvement in the food production sector, there would be no development. A greater percentage of Kenyan agricultural produce relies on rain-fed production where rain fundamentally replenishes the soil. Vihiga receives much of the rain and has two rain seasons that highlights the country’s seasons; the long rain and short rain season. These rain seasons have more or less been ridicule and a comedy since they more or less produce less and less produce as the years go. The rains are underutilized and misused. Instead of this rains being a key ingredients in agricultural prowess; they have become a tool of agricultural degradation with much of the top layer being washed away to Egypt. What remain are useless soils with no nutrients. Thereafter, the residents will try as much as they can to work at production which thence yields weaklings and unhealthy and insufficient crop. To add insult to injury, much of the able-bodied population is redundant waiting for gainful employment or struggling in the city with underpaid jobs that leaves them struggling to make ends meet.
With surging population density, one will expect much of the land being subdivided into units. That is the exact picture; this leaves the county looking like a small slum village with surging population. What has been left of the land are patches of brown infertile soils that is slowly being washed away with rain and poor and uninformed use of fertilizers. It hurts to see someone use tea fertilizer for planting maize and beans. What is more devastating is, the generous use of the fertilizer in belief that, the more the fertilizer, the better the produce. In short Vihiga has failed to nurture her resources for sustainable growth.
In Vihiga, you stay isolated and malooned in islands of moving heads, fetish smiles and humble hi’s with verbose dialogues that more than engross you in jaw breaking laughter, you stand alone in times of disaster and hard work. As an Ideologue who promises hard work you are looked at with contempt. But as a promising leader, who dish out kafifty over cup of tea you are adored and people love your lopsided street talks. It more than beats you what this people regard as a beautiful life. Vihiga is the promised Canaan where manna and water flows. What beats one out of wits is the dependency ratio and poverty levels.
You wonder how a county so beautiful would sire such figures and still brandish high numbers of population growth. You are taken aback at how rumours spread and a helping hand is quickly withdrawn. You are left with mouth wide open when you observe how the downfall of a man is laughed at and sneered in street chat and how quick they dismiss a hardworking progressive chap. When one is seen to be making progress either in business or their career the people will work at how they would pull him/her down. Talk of witchcraft, conniving etc, every body in this county will try their level best to pull you down. An investor would receive more clients and customer than that local guy. An outsider would receive a helping hand than a neighbor. The products of someone from outside always are of greater quality and quantity than that brother of the county who is trying to ache a living. In short there is enemity of progress deeply embedded in jealous of the countisidents of Vihiga.
The county has four constituencies; Emuhaya, Sabatia, Vihiga and Hamisi, if you asked me if I have ever seen any of the leaders of this counties working together or meeting together as leaders from the same region, I would look at you in a manner that suggests a slap if you were near. Let me be no quick to judge, the county government is 4 months shy to its implementation, nevertheless, it could have done no harm if this leaders could have harmonized their shared problems to work in unity. It could have built not only a sense of national unity but also steered the county economically. Since there are shared economic interests! What we see is a nutshell of each leader trying to particularly distance him/herself from the other leader as is there is a rivalry. I guess this has contributed so much to the debacle the county is in.
Vihiga is an otherwise fertile ground for progress. What is only needed is the cultivation of unity between the different families that so inhabit the county. Unity would cultivate peace love and harmony. This unity would also table the common problems that face the county and demand action from the county leaders for action. What has been experienced in the county in the past where a large chunk of money allocated for development is either returned to the central government or ends up in peoples pockets must be stopped by the hungry community that needs to see action, a community that needs to see its projects being done and newer projects which gives birth to revenue and employment are being inculcated.
Secondly, the county should be steadfast in boosting school attendance. Their must be a board of dedicated members who ensure that students and pupils attend school. The government provides a lot of money that goes down the drain as able students from poor families fail to reach or go secondary school. What In most occasions has been observed is the money, from CDF and bursary only end up paying fees for able parents while majority of poor families children languish in tilling land to support the family. It is so unfair! A society is built around individuals and if one makes a stride; all in that society have made strides. Therefore as we keep young minds out of school due to our greed and selfishness we tether our society in the dark ages of poverty and deterioration. The only way we can, and could build the Vihiga fraternity is by not looking at the individual and what they would gain, but at the image they will bring to the society when successful they become. We have to build a tendency of loving seeing a neighbours child make a stride and embrace the fact that that stride was made by our very own. We should share successes and feel proud of being part of that success story and not look in the sidelines only waiting for that opportune moment to celebrate when the moment beckons.
Again, the leaders should not be whistling thorns in the paths of the disintegrating society. They should be a leader who hails leading a society which slowly shows a progress as days pass. I don not understand how a leader would campaign and talk of development year in year out yet every time statistics are carried the society he so rules tails at the bottom. The four leaders who are voted in should be ashamed of themselves! They are the real retrogressors, they are the colonial masters who rejoice in a primitive society to conquer. They like it that way because an enlightened society will demand what rightfully belongs to them. The Vihiga society must rise against such buffoons and vote leaders who have the interest of the community at heart. It is really a shame for society to take only less than twenty students to institutions of higher learning!      
It is that point in time that Vihiga county woke up from the deep slumber and planted herself on this country’s map where it rightfully belongs. We can have a county that is sustainable and self progressive only if we heed to that call of we are WE and WE shall overcome the forces ME and implant the spirit of “KUNYI” (we) for KUNYI and only KUNYI have the ability to PROSPER. A divided county is just but a quagmire of hopelessness and self shame; a rinderpest to its nation.


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