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Morality can be many things. However, it basically guides what is regarded as right or wrong. Right or wrong is subjective to the individual, community or societal beliefs at a particular time, within particular constructs. For instance, gayism /homosexuality was considered a moral wrong within so many societies and nowadays, it is slowly becoming a recognized social norm. Similarly, some communities in Africa and Asia practised and some still practise Female Genital Mutilation. Girls who did not undergo such rites were chastised and to some extent could not get a husband. However, such considerations are slowly losing ground as new philosophies around morality are formulated.
The community within A Doll’s House has its own moral rules which are to be followed by every individual. It is within this moral confine that Nora is caught. The society is such rigid that it considers Nora’s sole act of heroism as untoward. Nora’s act of forgery was mainly because she had nowhere to turn at the time her husband needed her. Her father having passed on, she had no male relative to sign an affidavit that will help her secure a loan.
Nora wonders why society would judge and ostracize someone for taking a desperate measure on behalf of their loved ones. As part of her self-discovery, Nora hopes to prove whether she or it is the society was wrong. She is embittered by the way the society treats those who do not follow rules. The truth about the matter dawns on her when Torvald, the representative of ‘the moral code’ states clearly the facts of the matter and how Nora is to conduct herself henceforth.
Another victim of morality is Krogstad. Although he was a fine lawyer and exceptional employee, his misdeeds make him a social pariah. Moral disciples like Torvald cut links with him. In fact, on being promoted Torvald dismisses Krogstad hence stirring the events that compel Nora to leave her husband. Krogstad opens Nora’s eyes to exactly what should happen to her and family if in case whatever she had done is exposed to the limelight.
Other characters who come in the play at the same time are Mrs Linde and Dr Rank. Mrs Linde had broken her relationship with Krogstad so that she could marry for money and security. On the other hand, Dr Rank is hopelessly in love with Nora. As can be observed, Ibsen was satirizing the society within which the play is set. Despite the clear cut image of what is considered right, most of its followers were imperfect except for Helmer.


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