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 A Doll's House is a play by a Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen. In this play, Henrik explores the two aspects of humanity: appearance and reality. We live at a time of social media lies and this theme speaks about many in modern-day society.   

Henrik Ibsen cleverly plays out contrasts in this play. What we see from the outset, is not exactly as it seems. From the beginning, the house of the Helmer’s seems progressive, happy and respectable. However, beneath the veneer of all the happiness, there are hidden secrets and sacrifices.
Nora can be seen as a naïve, playful woman with little care in the world. Her role throughout the play is that of a mother and chief decision-maker in the affairs of the house. Nevertheless, we come to see a mature Nora who sacrifices for her family and love. She confesses to Mrs Linde that she took a loan for the in order to save her husband who had been diagnosed by a fatal disease. It is a well-kept secret that even her husband does not know.  In order to pay up the loan, Nora has to plays spendthrift yet spends nothing on herself.
Besides the sacrifice, Nora grows into an independent woman. She realizes that her spineless husband is not worth her salt and walks away. Helmer is shocked at the turn of events. Nora, as a girl living under the shadow of her father and later as a woman under the shadow of her husband. However, towards the end of the play, she is ready and willing to ditch all this security and take on the vicissitudes of the world. She is no longer naïve and weak as we saw her earlier in the play. She is a lioness.
Helmer, on the other hand, plays the role of a protective loving husband. However, when he reads Krogstad's letter; he folds like a deflated ball and cringes at the fear of being shamed. Helmer’s turn-about shocks Nora. She had hoped that all she had sacrificed, Helmer would stand by her and protect her from Krogstad’s intimidation. Despite playing a loving, devoted and generous husband, Helmer was indeed a shallow empty man only concerned with his public reputation.
Another character, Krogstad comes of bitter, vengeful extortionist whose only interest is fighting for individual gain. However, when he is reunited with his love- Mrs Linde, he becomes a forgiving and generous man. He even forgives Nora’s transgressions to the relief of Helmer.
Finally, Mrs Linde we are introduced to is independent and self-sufficient until we learn of her misfortunes. In fact, she had come back to town solely with the purpose of looking for a job.   


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